Without valves, there is no way of controlling the speed and direction of the flow of fluids, gases, and other substances in an industrial set up. Industrial valves are crucial components that ensure that the processes are regulated and controlled. Choosing the right valve is a job that's best left to experts because it can be confusing.
For the uninitiated, all valves are the same. So, what happens when you do not use the right valve for the right purpose?
This article is a valuable compilation of guidelines one can follow during valve selection.
Knowing the purpose of the valve.
Valves can be used for various purposes and functions. Here are some questions to ask before setting out to buy the valve:
The function of the valve
Valves are designed to perform specific functions. Some valves perform multiple functions, and some are used only for a single purpose. If you are selecting the valve based on its functions, this is what you should know:
Knowing the types
The function of the valve determines the type of valve that will be required. Here are some of the standard valves that are available today.
Also Read : Industrial Valves And Their Basic Components
Knowing the pressure and temperature
One small mistake in pressure and temperature regulation could mean a disaster of immeasurable proportions. If the valve is to be used specifically for pressure regulation, it is imperative to use specialist valves with thick wall diameters designed to cope with pressure.
For low-pressure applications, a valve might not even be necessary. In such cases, instead of using a damper would be a better choice. In industrial processes that deal with hot or cold substances, it is important to use valves manufactured with the right materials to seal against the temperature.
The material used
The valve needs to be compatible with whatever material that it will be regulating. The material can range from simple food items like juices, sauces, cake batter, soups, etc., to harsh chemical material like slurries, sludges, gases, acids, etc. Heavy-duty plastic valves can withstand the corrosiveness of these materials much better than metal valves.
The industrial environment
The durability and efficiency of a valve highly depend on where it will be installed. Not all valves are suitable for indoor usage. Valves are installed in a wide range of industrial environments such as:
It is important to note if the materials, exterior coatings, and internal seals are suitable for the type of natural or industrial environment in which the valve will be installed.
Connections and operations
Even as modern industrial facilities are moving towards automation, some valves may require manual supervision and operation. Valves can be actuated in the following ways:
As for the connections, some of the commonly used connection types are:
Oilway is a reputed name for all kinds of heavy-duty industrial, commercial, and domestic valves. We design and manufacture high-quality valves that are economically priced, highly durable and very efficient. To place your orders at our Singapore facility, kindly contact our team.