Vertical Installation Of Gate Valves: A Better Choice

It is a rarity to find a valve lying on its belly or its sides. Instead, all the valves that we come across are mostly upright and vertical. This is the most natural position for linear valves like gate valves because it aligns the stem to the discs and the discs to the body guides and ensures that every component works in unison whether the valve is turned on or off.

But are all valves installed vertically? Gate valve manufacturers explain that all valves should be capable of operating in any orientation. But there is no guarantee that the valve will not get damaged if it is installed horizontally. So valve experts are all for vertical installation unless additional aspects help valves operate in the horizontal position.

closeup of industrial valves arranged in red and blue color by industrial valve manufacturer in Indonesia

Reasons why the vertical installation is favoured

The valves that are manufactured today are distinctly different from the valves of yesteryears. The orientation in which the valves are installed makes a big difference in minimizing the number of misalignment issues and increasing the device's life.

In the debate of horizontal versus vertical installation, the latter wins hands down, and here's why:

  • Vertical installation aligns the stem with the disc and thereby the disc with the other internal components.
  • It ensures optimal performance and minimal wear and tear of the disc, seat, actuator, and other critical parts.
  • The vertical installation provides efficient and easy manual operation.
  • Upright installation of bigger gate valves enables easy access to the handwheel.

Also Read : Know Why Gate Valve Manufacturer Insists On Safe Gate Valve Systems

Issues that arise with other orientations during valve installation

In some facilities where space is a constraint, horizontal installation is the only option. However, many technical issues are bound to happen with other orientations. Some of the most common issues are:

  • Misalignment between components such as the body guide, bonnet, backseat bushing, yoke, actuator pad, etc.
  • Misalignment during manual lifting.
  • The disc hangs up while closing the valve.
  • Cocking and locking of the discs.
  • Damage to seating surfaces and stem.
  • Actuated stems tend to become an obstacle inside the valve.

Solutions to repair valve damage due to horizontal orientation

Experts suggest hardfacing as the best solution to repair or prevent serious technical issues like cock and lock syndrome, which completely disorient the stem-to-foot connection. In such extreme cases, the disorientation creates enough stress to cause the stem to break off.

Hardfacing is the process of depositing thick coatings of tough, wear-resistant material on a new or worn-out surface to prevent further wear and tear. Hardfacing can help, but it is not a complete fail-proof solution.

Packing and shipping are critical aspects that play a major role in valve damage. Valves can also undergo damage if they are kept in the horizontal position for too long during shipping. To prevent the same, it is advisable to request your valve supplier to pack the valve vertically or take extra care for horizontal packing.

Valve installation requires expert guidance and supervision. Post-installation checks are vital to avoid the occurrence of any damage to the valve.

Buy the finest valves from Oilway, Indonesia's top gate valve manufacturer

Oilway reigns supreme as Indonesia's industrial valve manufacturer and supplier since 2009. We offer the finest range of high-grade industrial valves and petroleum machinery at cost-effective prices for our customers. To make any inquiries, kindly contact us We also undertake customized orders for industrial valves. To place your orders, please call us @ +86-21-69891289.
